Updates on high-energy interferometry

Polychromatic visibility

spectrum_visibility online tool

KIT gratings

visibility for different grating sets

visibility ~11%, up from 7.5% on my previous report

best setup currently 120 keV, 1st order, with KIT G0 and microworks G1/G2

Edge-on mythen

now used for all experiments

stable software and spec bindings

Bunker 4 @ SLS

  • source installed and tested
  • radiation safety failed

logbook on the issue tracker

Bunker 4 @ SLS

the whole bunker needs lead patches

  • concrete walls
  • inner wall
  • chicane for cables
  • door


one month for tests on grating interferometers

  • cadmium telluride
  • 172 µm pixel size
  • comparison with silicon mythen

attenuation length @ 100 keV

Si CdTe
2.3 cm 1 mm

software and more details

logbook on the pilatus experiments page


no significant difference



pilatus 2.5x more efficient

scans @120/3 pilatus

chip scan

scans @120/3 mythen