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High-energy interferometry on X-ray tubes

M. Abis, G. Lovrić, M. Büchner, Z. Wang, M. Stampanoni

Goals and motivation

  • feasibility of phase contrast on tubes with \(>100\) kVp
  • typical environment for medical, security and material science applications

Grating interferometry

Hdpc setup

Grating interferometry

phase stepping

Phase stepping

\( n = 1 - \delta + i \beta \)

  • ratio of the averages \(A\) → \( \beta \)
  • phase difference → \( \delta \)
  • ratio of the amplitudes \(B\) → scattering

High aspect ratio

140217 bosch p1um 01
140505 old au01

Grating parameters

  • 80-140 μm Au absorption thickness
  • 5.4 μm period
  • \(\pi\) shift 45 keV
Visibility energy

Silica microspheres

\(R = \frac{\log(\text{dark field})}{\log(\text{absorption})}\)

Sio2ms 1 8 890nm

Grating interferometry

phase stepping

Phase stepping

Effects of microstructure

  • Lynch et al. \[ \mu_d = \frac{3\pi}{\lambda^2}f |\Delta n|^2 d \begin{cases} D' & \text{if } D' \leqslant 1\\[2ex] \!\begin{align} D' - \sqrt{D'^2 - 1}\\ (1 + D'^{-2}/2) \\ + (D'^{-1} + D'^{-3} / 4) \\ \log\left(\frac{D' + \sqrt{D'^2 - 1}}{D' - \sqrt{D'^2 - 1}}\right) \end{align} & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \]
  • dark field as a function of sphere diameter and photon energy

Incoherent sum over the spectrum

\[ R(\energy) = \frac{\log B}{\log A} = \frac{\mu_d}{2k\beta} \]

\[ R = C\frac{\sum_\energy w(\energy)|\Delta n(\energy)|^2 \energy u(\energy)}{\sum_\energy w(\energy) \energy \beta} \]

where \(w(\energy)\) are the spectral weights, and \(u(\energy)\) is the conditional from Lynch

only one fit parameter: \(C\)

Microsphere samples


Combine beamline + tube

courtesy of Goran Lovric

Image8 Image7

Align the same region

  • detailed beamline tomography, resolving the microstructure
  • comparison with integrated tube data

Beamline scans

Negative result (no structural difference)





Tube scans


Tube results

(also negative)

Lung samples tube


  • Operational setup that can be coordinated with beamline experiments
  • Finally good understanding of dark-field interactions at high energies

Next experiments

  • Medical: new rat samples from Bern
  • Material science: water diffusion in concrete

Thanks for your attention