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High-energy sources towards 2D applications

goals and motivation

  • feasibility of phase contrast on tubes with \(>100\) kVp
  • typical environment for medical, security and material science applications


  • technical studies
    • evaluation of KIT gratings
  • applications
    • biomedical: lungs
    • material science: cement

new batch of KIT gratings

delivered in January

phase-shift gratings

thickness variation above 10%


courtesy of P. Meyer from KIT, see methods

absorption gratings

tried to increase absorption thickness above 100-120 μm

see my report

macroscopic defects in the gold structure

final setup

  • G0 from the previous shipping
  • G1 most compatible with spec, according to KIT report
  • G2 most uniform according to our measurement

~10% visibility

45 keV design, 100 kVp, 6 mA


water diffusion in cement

inspired by Fei Yang's "Dark-field X-ray imaging of unsaturated water transport in porous materials"

the relevant signals

  • transmission \(A\)
  • dark field \(B\)
  • log ratio \(R = \log(A) / \log(B)\)

theoretical introduction

  • Lynch et al. \[ B \propto \mu_d = \frac{3\pi}{\lambda^2}f |\Delta n|^2 d \begin{cases} D' & \text{if } D' \leqslant 1\\[2ex] \!\begin{align} D' - \sqrt{D'^2 - 1}\\ (1 + D'^{-2}/2) \\ + (D'^{-1} + D'^{-3} / 4) \\ \log\left(\frac{D' + \sqrt{D'^2 - 1}}{D' - \sqrt{D'^2 - 1}}\right) \end{align} & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \]
  • dark field as a function of sphere diameter and photon energy

sum over the spectrum

\[ R(\energy) = \frac{\log B}{\log A} = \frac{\mu_d}{2k\beta} \]

\[ R = C\frac{\sum_\energy w(\energy)|\Delta n(\energy)|^2 \energy u(\energy)}{\sum_\energy w(\energy) \energy \beta} \]

expect large increase in contrast

\[ R = C\frac{\sum_\energy w(\energy)|\Delta n(\energy)|^2 \energy u(\energy)}{\sum_\energy w(\energy) \energy \beta} \]

  • \(u\) depends on the diameter of the pores
  • \(\Delta n\) includes \(\delta\)


  • dry cement cylinder at 120 °C for one hour
  • isolate sides with water-proof tape
  • put the base in contact with water
  • repeated radiographs with 20 phase steps x 0.2 s for about two hours

results: absorption

results: ratio \(R\)

first shot

after one hour

contrast-to-noise ratio

contrast-to-noise ratio

quantitative diffusion

thresholding \(\rightarrow\) fraction of wet pixels

conclusions and outline

  • critical issues to be considered by in-house fabrication team
  • lung experiment would be repeated if we get any emphysematic samples
  • expand the cement measurements
    • a complete theoretical treatment is possible by including a beamline micro-CT for the pore-size distribution
    • Fei's input particularly valuable now that she joins the team