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Measuring water diffusion in porous materials with high-energy grating interferometry and CdTe detectors

M. Abis, M. Büchner, G. Lovrić, Z. Wang, M. Stampanoni

Institute for Biomedical Engineering, University and ETH Zürich, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland
Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institut, 5232 Villigen, Switzerland


  • show a simple case for the implementation of a CdTe detector prototype
  • latest data not in the abstract: quantitative description of the dark-field signal for a polychromatic source

Efficiency of a 750 μm thick sensor


The setup

  • tube runs at 100 kVp, 6 mA
  • \(\pi\) shift at 45 keV
  • 5.4 μm pitch
  • 52 cm total length
  • dectris santis 0804 CdTe prototype
  • ~8% visibility
Img 20170907 121347

The detector

Prototype based on santis 0804 CdTe from dectris ltd.

  • 75 μm pixel size
  • 750 μm thickness
Img 20170907 121325
Visibility stable

Water uptake in a cement sample

see F. Yang et al., Dark-field X-ray imaging of unsaturated water transport in porous materials, 2014
  • a cement cylinder is put in contact with water
  • the water slowly infiltrates the porous structure
  • water height \(\propto \sqrt{t}\)

SEM scans of cement
(width 300 μm)

Combining the signals

  • transmission \(A\)
  • visibility reduction \(B\)
  • log ratio \(R = \log(B) / \log(A)\)

Time evolution

Contrast-to-noise ratio

Measuring diffusion speed

thresholding \(\rightarrow\) fraction of wet pixels

Monochromatic case

dark field as a function of sphere diameter and photon energy

S. Lynch et al., Interpretation of dark-field contrast and particle-size selectivity in grating interferometers, 2011
\[ B \propto \mu_d = \frac{3\pi}{\lambda^2}f |\Delta n|^2 d \begin{cases} D' & \text{if } D' \leqslant 1\\[2ex] \!\begin{align} D' - \sqrt{D'^2 - 1}\\ (1 + D'^{-2}/2) \\ + (D'^{-1} + D'^{-3} / 4) \\ \log\left(\frac{D' + \sqrt{D'^2 - 1}}{D' - \sqrt{D'^2 - 1}}\right) \end{align} & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \]

Monochromatic case

dark field as a function of sphere diameter and photon energy

S. Lynch et al., Interpretation of dark-field contrast and particle-size selectivity in grating interferometers, 2011

Polychromatic extension

\[ R(\energy) = \frac{\log B}{\log A} = \frac{\mu_d}{2k\beta} \]

\[ R \propto \frac{\sum_\energy w(\energy)|\Delta n(\energy)|^2 \energy u(\energy)}{\sum_\energy w(\energy) \energy \beta} \]

  • \(w\) spectral weights
  • \(u\) conditional statement
M. Abis et al., in preparation

Table-top grating interferometer with microspheres

M. Abis et al., in preparation

Investigating lung microstructures

  • ground truth from synchrotron microtomography
  • quantitative data from the table-top setup on a macroscopic scale
Smoke stitched
G. Lovrić et al., Dose optimization approach to fast X-ray microtomography of the lung alveoli, 2013

Acquisition of the ground truth

Mouse tomcat
  • critical point dried lungs
  • tomographic scan at 21 keV
  • 1.1 μm effective pixel size
  • three mouse samples
G. Lovrić et al., Dose optimization approach to fast X-ray microtomography of the lung alveoli, 2013

Microtomography and postprocessing

  • synchrotron microtomography
  • segmentation
Segmentation procedure
G. Lovrić et al., Automated computer-assisted quantitative analysis of intact murine lungs at the alveolar scale, in press 10.1371/journal.pone.0183979

Alveoli as spheres

  • fit spheres in the lung microstructures
  • plot diameter distribution
Plos thickness
Size pdf
G. Lovrić et al., Automated computer-assisted quantitative analysis of intact murine lungs at the alveolar scale, in press 10.1371/journal.pone.0183979

The final model

sum over the sphere size distribution times the dark field response for each spere size

ground truth

Size pdf

dark-field response

Full summary

Grating interferometry

measure \(R\)

Img 20170907 121347 arrow
Wt256 ll smoke

Preliminary validation

sample expected measured
\(1\) \(22.2\) \(21.3 \pm 1.8\)
\(2\) \(13.7\) \(16.5 \pm 1.6\)
\(3\) \(14.4\) \(17.7 \pm 1.4\)
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  • sample 1 has smaller structures \(\rightarrow\) larger \(R\)
  • sample 2/3 similar
  • consistent values for the three samples
M. Abis et al., in preparation

Conclusions and outlook

  • successful implementation of the dectris santis 0804 CdTe prototype with an application to a known study
  • quantitative prediction of dark-field values on a polychromatic source supported by a ground truth from microtomography
  • more lung datasets are ready to be analyzed to increase statistics
  • an extension of the study is planned with access to mice with emphysema


  • erc grant erc-2012-stg 310005-PhaseX
  • tomcat beamline team
  • kit for the grating fabrication
  • dectris ltd. for lending and setting up the detector prototype
  • thank you for your attention
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