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Dark field for polychromatic sources


  • (XNPIG 2017) calculating dark field values for lung samples
  • dual phase contrast with CdTe detector

Ratio of the logarithms

  • transmission \(A\)
  • visibility reduction \(B\)
  • log ratio \(R = \log(B) / \log(A)\)

Monochromatic case

dark field as a function of sphere diameter and photon energy

S. Lynch et al., Interpretation of dark-field contrast and particle-size selectivity in grating interferometers, 2011
\[ B \propto \mu_d = \frac{3\pi}{\lambda^2}f |\Delta n|^2 d \begin{cases} D' & \text{if } D' \leqslant 1\\[2ex] \!\begin{align} D' - \sqrt{D'^2 - 1}\\ (1 + D'^{-2}/2) \\ + (D'^{-1} + D'^{-3} / 4) \\ \log\left(\frac{D' + \sqrt{D'^2 - 1}}{D' - \sqrt{D'^2 - 1}}\right) \end{align} & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \]

Monochromatic case

dark field as a function of sphere diameter and photon energy

S. Lynch et al., Interpretation of dark-field contrast and particle-size selectivity in grating interferometers, 2011

Polychromatic extension

\[ R(\energy) = \frac{\log B}{\log A} = \frac{\mu_d}{2k\beta} \]

\[ R \propto \frac{\sum_\energy w(\energy)|\Delta n(\energy)|^2 \energy u(\energy)}{\sum_\energy w(\energy) \energy \beta} \]

  • \(w\) spectral weights
  • \(u\) conditional statement
M. Abis et al., in preparation

Table-top grating interferometer with microspheres

20% volume fraction of SiO2 microspheres in glycerine

M. Abis et al., in preparation

Investigating lung microstructures

  • ground truth from synchrotron microtomography
  • quantitative data from the table-top setup on a macroscopic scale
Smoke stitched
G. Lovrić et al., Dose optimization approach to fast X-ray microtomography of the lung alveoli, 2013

Acquisition of the ground truth

Mouse tomcat
  • critical point dried lungs
  • tomographic scan at 21 keV
  • 1.1 μm effective pixel size
  • three mouse samples
G. Lovrić et al., Dose optimization approach to fast X-ray microtomography of the lung alveoli, 2013

Microtomography and postprocessing

  • synchrotron microtomography
  • segmentation
Segmentation procedure
G. Lovrić et al., Automated computer-assisted quantitative analysis of intact murine lungs at the alveolar scale, in press 10.1371/journal.pone.0183979

Alveoli as spheres

  • fit spheres in the lung microstructures
  • plot diameter distribution
Plos thickness
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G. Lovrić et al., Automated computer-assisted quantitative analysis of intact murine lungs at the alveolar scale, in press 10.1371/journal.pone.0183979

The final model

sum over the sphere size distribution times the dark field response for each spere size

ground truth

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dark-field response

Full summary

Grating interferometry

measure \(R\)

Img 20170907 121347 arrow
Wt256 ll smoke

Preliminary validation

sample expected measured
\(1\) \(22.2\) \(21.3 \pm 1.8\)
\(2\) \(13.7\) \(16.5 \pm 1.6\)
\(3\) \(14.4\) \(17.7 \pm 1.4\)
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  • sample 1 has smaller structures \(\rightarrow\) larger \(R\)
  • sample 2/3 similar
  • consistent values for the three samples
M. Abis et al., in preparation

Upcoming challenges

  • the sphere fit program cannot accomodate full tomographic datasets
  • possible workaround: sampling, splitting
  • calculations take more than one day per sample (40 samples total)

Dual phase setup

Pushin et al. Far-field interference of a neutron white beam and the applications to noninvasive phase-contrast imaging
  • G0 with 10 μm slits every 100 μm (thanks Konstantins for the super fast manufacturing!)
  • G1/2 phase gratings with 10-20 μm gold with 1.2 μm pitch (thanks Carolina)
  • tried many distance combinations but no interference observed so far
Photo 2017 09 25 22 56 10

Troubleshooting the current setup

  • G0 might not be thick enough (running at 90 kVp should ensure at least 80% absorption)
  • the phase gratings may not be consistent enough in their phase shift
  • the alignment could be so far off that it's not possible to correct with the motors (these gratings can't be aligned through laser diffraction)
  • trying different gratings with double the pitch at 2.4 μm also doubles the length but might be the only chance

Thank you for your attention